Cure Auto Insurance Michigan Reviews

It can be difficult to know where to turn when you’ve been injured in a car accident. With so many companies in the auto insurance market, it can be hard to know who to trust. Cure Auto Insurance Michigan is a company you can trust.

They offer competitive rates and a service that is second to none. Whether you’ve been in an accident recently or you’re just looking for a reliable auto insurance company, visit Cure Auto Insurance Michigan today and give them a try.

The Problem with Auto Insurance in Michigan

Auto insurance in Michigan is expensive and difficult to find the right policy. Here are four reasons why:

1) The state has some of the highest auto insurance rates in the country. According to data from, Michigan drivers pay an average of $1,069 per year for car insurance. That’s more than double the national average of $407.

2) Auto insurers have a lot of power in Michigan. They can set rates high and refuse to sell policies to people who live in certain parts of the state, or who have a history of driving violations. This gives them an advantage over other insurers, who may not be able to compete for business.

3) Michigan law allows drivers to only carry liability insurance on their vehicles. This means that most people need at least $50,000 in coverage per accident, even if they’re never ticketed or involved in a crash. This can be expensive, especially if you have a low income.

4) The state has few consumer protections when it comes to auto insurance. If you have a claim with your insurer, there’s little chance that you’ll get what you’re owed – or that your insurer will be held accountable for its mistakes. In fact, Michigan is one of just five states where consumers cannot take their insurer to court if they don’t get satisfaction from mediation first.(source: Forbes)

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What to do if You Suspect Your Auto Insurance is Unfair

If you have a suspicion that your auto insurance is unfairly high, there are a few things you can do to try and get a better rate. First, try to compile as much information about your car and driving history as possible. This will help your agent understand the risks you pose and give them an opportunity to lower your rates accordingly.

Second, make sure to file a claim if something happens that was not covered by your policy. This could include anything from a broken windshield to total loss due to theft or vandalism. Finally, always be prepared to dispute any claims that are made against you if the rates offered by your insurer seem too high in comparison to those of other drivers on the same policy.

How to Get a Cure for Auto Insurance in Michigan

If you’re unhappy with the auto insurance rates in Michigan, there are a few things you can do to get a better deal. The first step is toshoparound and compare rates. You can use online tools like or to find the best rates.

Another way to get a lower rate is to file a claim. If you have been in an accident and your car has been damaged, filing a claim can lowered your premiums by up to 50%. Finally, if you have good records and no accidents, you may be able to get quotes without getting your license verified.


If you’re looking for a cure for high auto insurance rates in Michigan, then read on! In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the best ways to get discounts on your car insurance and lower your premiums. We’ll also provide you with reviews of some of the top auto insurance companies in Michigan so that you can choose the right one for you. So whether you’re new to the state or are looking to save money on your current policy, read on for tips and tricks on how to do just that!