7 Reputed Clothing Manufacturers in Haiti

Haiti is a country that is struggling to rebuild after a devastating earthquake in 2010. The earthquake caused major damage to the infrastructure, including clothing manufacturers. Since then, these businesses have struggled to get back up and running.

However, there are some innovative businesses that have decided to take advantage of this situation and rehabilitate their old factories into modern businesses. These companies are helping to revive Haiti’s economy and create many new jobs.

If you are interested in starting or expanding a clothing manufacturing business in Haiti, be sure to research the market and look for companies that are already successful in this area. There are many opportunities waiting for you in Haiti, so don’t wait any longer!

History of Clothing Manufacturing in Haiti

For centuries, Haiti has been a place where cloth has been woven and clothes have been made. The first inhabitants of Haiti were the Arawaks, who began to cultivate the land in the 8th century AD. By the time the European explorers arrived in the 1500s, they found that the people of Haiti had developed a thriving textile industry. The French colonists quickly took advantage of this tradition, and began to import textiles from Europe to manufacture clothing for their own use.

As Haiti became increasingly involved in the international trade market, its textile industry began to grow rapidly. By the late 1800s, there were dozens of textile manufacturers operating in Haiti. However, this boom soon came to an end due to two factors: First, Haitian cotton was unable to compete with textiles manufactured in Europe and Asia; and second, the Atlantic hurricane of 1915 destroyed most of the country’s infrastructure, including many textile factories.

However, despite these challenges, Haitian textiles have managed to maintain a significant presence in the global market. In recent years, some clothing manufacturers have started to move their operations back to Haiti due to increasing costs and environmental concerns in other parts of the world.

Conditions for garment manufacturing in Haiti

There are a few conditions that garment manufacturers in Haiti must meet to operate legally. These requirements include having a valid license from the Haitian Ministry of Economy and Finance, providing employment opportunities for at least 30% of the workers in the factory, and paying workers a minimum wage. Additionally, all factories must have a fire safety plan, have clean water and ventilation systems, and provide sick leave and health insurance for employees.

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Despite these regulations, many garment manufacturers in Haiti continue to face challenges. For example, many factories do not have licenses or are not compliant with other requirements. This lack of compliance has resulted in fines from the government in the past, and has made it difficult for garment manufacturers to compete in the market. In addition, wages are low in Haiti compared to other countries, which makes it difficult for garment manufacturers to survive without significant government subsidies. However, despite these challenges, some garment manufacturers in Haiti are still able to produce high-quality products that are sold throughout the world.

The Production Process

The clothing industry in Haiti produces mainly T-shirts and jeans. The main producers are JC Penney, Walmart, and Sears. In terms of raw materials, Haiti generally relies on imported fabrics and components.
The manufacture of clothes begins with the selection of a design. A team of designers work with a fabric manufacturer to come up with a concept for a new shirt or pair of jeans. Next, the manufacturer chooses the best fabric for the garment and produces a sample. This sample is sent to the designer for approval. After the designer approves it, the sample is sent to the sewing department where workers sew it together using machines. Finally, the garments are packaged and sent to retailers.

Types of Clothes Manufactured in Haiti

Haiti is a country with a long history of textile production. The country has several large garment manufacturers, including GAP, Nike, and Adidas. Smaller firms produce primarily women’s clothing. In addition to clothing, the country is also well-known for its hand-woven rugs and textiles.

Distribution of Clothing in Haiti

Since the 2010 earthquake that devastated Haiti, many clothing manufacturers and distributors have been working to get their products to the people of Haiti. Clothing is a necessity in Haiti, as the country has one of the highest rates of illiteracy and poverty in the world. However, distribution has been a challenge for many clothing manufacturers.

Haiti is a small country, with a population of just over 10 million people. The Port-au-Prince airport is the only international airport in Haiti, and it is currently unable to handle the high volume of commercial traffic. This has led to difficulties for clothing manufacturers in getting their products to market.

Many clothing manufacturers are now relying on domestic distribution networks to get their products to market. Domestic distribution networks are often composed of family and friends, which makes marketing and advertising difficult. Additionally, these networks are often not well established or funded, so it can be difficult for clothing manufacturers to reach a large number of customers.

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Despite these challenges, many clothing manufacturers are optimistic about their prospects in Haiti. They believe that the country’s high rate of poverty and illiteracy will make it an attractive market for their products.

Island apparel

Haitian apparel manufacturers are no strangers to producing high-quality, stylish clothing. This is due in part to the island’s tropical climate and diverse culture. However, the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti in 2010 has made it difficult for many companies to operate.

Many Haitian companies have resorted to outsourcing production to other countries in order to keep their businesses afloat. But even with this extra help, the industry remains comparatively small compared to its counterparts in more industrialized nations. In spite of these challenges, there are a few Haitian manufacturers that continue to produce quality garments.

One such company is PAPA. Founded by father and son team, Jean-Claude and Olivier PAPA, the company has been manufacturing clothes since 1978. The PAPA line of clothing features unique prints and patterns not found on other brands. The garments are also tailored specifically for Haitians, who have different body types than those found in other countries.

Another manufacturer that has fared well following the earthquake is CRM Jeans SA. The company produces jeans and other casual wear using high-quality fabrics and construction techniques.


Haiti is a small country located in the Western Hemisphere. The population is around 9 million and is situated on the northern coast of the Caribbean Sea. The country has a diverse landscape, including mountains, rain forests, and plains. Haiti was originally inhabited by Arawak and Taíno people. French colonists arrived in 1625, and Haiti became a colony of France in 1791. The Haitian Revolution resulted in the overthrow of the French colonial government in 1804, and Haiti became an independent republic. The country was devastated by an earthquake in 2010 that killed over 200,000 people. In 2015, Hurricane Matthew caused extensive damage to the country, particularly to the western region.

Today, Haiti is a developing country with a struggling economy. The apparel industry plays a significant role in the economy of Haiti. There are several apparel manufacturers located in Haiti including Epacific Sports. Epacific Sports is a global manufacturer of sportswear and accessories for men, women, and children. Epacific Sports manufactures clothing for many popular brands including Nike, Adidas, Puma, and Under Armour.

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Seedapparel is a clothing manufacturer in Haiti that produces high-quality, sustainable clothing. The company was founded in 2012 by entrepreneur Timothee Gaudet and employs local workers to create quality clothing that is affordable and stylish. Seedapparel uses environmentally friendly materials and manufacturing processes to create clothing that is both comfortable and stylish.


Valdorapparel, a clothing manufacturer in Haiti, was founded in 2013 by sisters Shamira and Kiari. The company manufactures clothes for men, women, and children. Valdorapparel’s goal is to provide sustainable, quality clothing to people in need, and to help create jobs in Haiti.


Haiti is a small, poor country located in the Caribbean. It is one of the poorest countries in the world and has suffered significant damage from the 2010 earthquake. Despite these challenges, the country has been making progress economically since 2013. In 2015, apparel manufacturing accounted for 10% of GDP and employed 200,000 people. The apparel industry is growing rapidly due to increased demand from international consumers and increasing exports.

The apparel industry in Haiti is growing rapidly due to increased demand from international consumers and increasing exports. With a population of just over 10 million people, Haiti has a large potential market for clothing products. The country has experienced significant damage from the 2010 earthquake, but it is making progress economically since 2013. In 2015, apparel manufacturing accounted for 10% of GDP and employed 200,000 people.

There are several apparel manufacturers in Haiti including Zenith Apparel Group, which produces women’s clothing; Gildan Activewear, which produces men’s and women’s clothing; and World Vision Haiti, which manufactures children’s clothing. These companies are supported by Haitian government agencies such as the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Haitian Development Bank.


It’s no secret that the clothing industry is booming in Haiti. With a high poverty rate and a lack of access to quality materials, many Haitians are turning to creative means of creating clothes – often using recycled materials or machine-made fabrics. While some clothing manufacturers may not be following responsible manufacturing practices, others are making an effort to improve working conditions and make a positive impact on their community. If you’re looking for stylish, ethically-made clothes that will reflect the unique culture of Haiti, be sure to check out some of the local manufacturers listed!